International Investments in Mediterranean Hotel Real Estate - 2018
International investments in hotel real estate in the Mediterranean are on the rise. This is…

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Construction of residential buildings abroad
In 2018, Tranio offered its customers new ready-made solutions for investment: its own projects for…

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Rooftop garden and free iPad: investing in student housing
Universities are not able to provide all students with housing, private investors help to fill…

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construction of residential

Montenegro will launch a program for obtaining citizenship for investment

On July 26, the Montenegrin authorities announced the launch of a citizenship for investment program. To get a passport, an investor must buy property on its territory and invest 100 thousand in a special development fund of the country. For the lagging regions in the north, the minimum cost of facilities is 250 thousand euros, for developed southern ones – 450 thousand. The program will start operating from October 2018. The number of participants is limited: in two years, only 2 thousand applicants will receive Montenegrin citizenship. Continue reading