Nursing Homes - Perspective Investments
The last 15 years, investments in non-traditional types of commercial real estate in Europe are…

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Cross-border commercial real estate transactions: how is the global market changing?
Although North America remains the largest volume of transactions in the commercial real estate market,…

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Results of the year: where to invest in real estate in 2018?
The volume of transactions in 2018 increased by 5%, but in 2019 it will return…

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someone continues to benefit

How to get Spanish citizenship?

Spanish law provides for several official methods of obtaining citizenship (or citizenship, since Spain is a monarchy by form of government). A general requirement that applies to all applicants is mandatory residence in the country. Its term can be from one to 10 years, depending on the chosen basis for acquiring citizenship.

You can become a Spanish citizen either in general or in a simplified manner. Continue reading

Brexit: how did the prospect of a UK exit from the EU affect the real estate market?

The results of the referendum on UK withdrawal from the European Union, held on June 23, 2016, could not leave indifferent players in the real estate market. The forecasts that have been made so far have been the most diverse, but the market hasn’t collapsed, and London, contrary to expectations, retained its position in the top three locations most promising for investment. Very soon (March 29 of this year), the UK will have to leave the EU. What are the economic consequences of this step investors expect? Continue reading