Areas of Athens: where to look for real estate with potential
For Greece, the worst is over, says Deutsche Bank CEO John Krayan. “The light is…

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Small but comfortable: modern technologies expand the space of small-sized
It has long been no secret that in the real estate markets of many large…

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Rental business in Germany: what does an investor need to know before buying?
The German real estate market is one of the most stable in the world. Today…

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real estate in Greece

How to make money on a short-term lease in Athens: an investor’s guide

Greek real estate returns the interest of foreign investors. According to the Bank of Greece, the total value of transactions that foreigners entered into the Greek real estate market in 2017 is 87% higher than in 2016. 70% of them, according to the Greek edition Ekathimerini, citizens of non-European countries are imprisoned in Athens and its suburbs. According to statistics from the Bank of Greece, in the first two months of 2018 in Athens, one and a half times more real estate transactions were concluded than in January and February 2017. Continue reading