Real estate market in Jordan: foreigners inflate prices
At the end of February 2018, Jordan approved a program for obtaining citizenship for investing…

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Small but comfortable: modern technologies expand the space of small-sized
It has long been no secret that in the real estate markets of many large…

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Commercial real estate in European cities: investors' expectations and reality
From the beginning of 2019, it is time to take stock of the year 2018.…

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but about the old

Montenegro will launch a program for obtaining citizenship for investment

On July 26, the Montenegrin authorities announced the launch of a citizenship for investment program. To get a passport, an investor must buy property on its territory and invest 100 thousand in a special development fund of the country. For the lagging regions in the north, the minimum cost of facilities is 250 thousand euros, for developed southern ones – 450 thousand. The program will start operating from October 2018. The number of participants is limited: in two years, only 2 thousand applicants will receive Montenegrin citizenship. Continue reading

International Investments in Mediterranean Hotel Real Estate – 2018

International investments in hotel real estate in the Mediterranean are on the rise. This is indicated by the results of an online survey conducted in 2018 jointly by Tranio and MR & H. The majority of respondents (86%) note that the activity of international investors is growing.

The activity of international investors in hotel real estate in Serdtremit Continue reading

Rooftop garden and free iPad: investing in student housing

Universities are not able to provide all students with housing, private investors help to fill this gap
The globalization of higher education plays into the hands of investors. Student housing is becoming an increasingly attractive asset: over the past three years, the number of investors who evaluate investment prospects in this sector as “very good” has increased 2.5 times, according to Statista. A characteristic feature of this sector is the so-called acyclicity: the number of students can grow both in times of crisis and in times of economic upsurge. Continue reading