Save on lawyers later, and not at the beginning: Dew-diligence of commercial real estate in Germany
German real estate is one of the most reliable assets in Europe. Partly because of…

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Business in Athens: not a catastrophe, but an opportunity
Greece returns business confidence. In February 2018, the international rating agency Moody's raised the rating…

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Small apartments as an object for investment in Russia and abroad
Review prepared by Tranio and CIAN Small apartments are traditionally in demand. At the same…

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the largest

Construction in Germany: disassemble risks

How to make money on real estate in Europe? The most obvious option is to rent it: for example, to local residents, tourists or students. But analysts are talking about a new pan-European trend – a decrease in the rental business profitability (according to PwC’s estimates, it fell from 6% in 2009 to 4% in 2017).

In an effort to increase profitability, buyers are beginning to look closely at value-added projects – the construction and reconstruction of real estate abroad. The results of an analytical study of the international real estate broker Tranio show that every tenth Russian-speaking real estate investor is interested in construction projects abroad. Continue reading

Redemption of apartments in Phuket

Invest with a fixed exit date and a 56% income for 8 years. The construction company Phuket9 announces the option of the buy-out of apartments on the project VIP KATA Condominium.

The first two buildings of the VIP KATA Condominium project were commissioned in July 2018. A month later, in August 2018, Phuket 9 began to implement the second phase of the project – these are two more buildings with 209 apartments, two shared swimming pools, park areas on the roofs of buildings, restaurants and a children’s club. Continue reading

Property by the sea for recreation and investment: the top 5 European locations in 2019

Summer is ahead, and it means it’s time to think about where to spend this amazing season! Our article is for those who, having fallen in love with the country during the holidays, will think that it would be nice to buy their own housing by the sea.

Let’s talk about Europe with its Mediterranean, Adriatic and Aegean seas, and consider the five leading summer holiday destinations of 2018, which, according to most forecasts, will be at the peak of popularity in 2019. Continue reading