Small apartments as an object for investment in Russia and abroad
Review prepared by Tranio and CIAN Small apartments are traditionally in demand. At the same…

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Top 10 locations in Greece, where the profit from daily rent grew the most
Profit from short-term rentals in Greece over the past two years has grown stronger in…

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Investment in rental business in Greece: European residence permit and high profitability amid rising prices
On August 30, the Independent Public Revenue Authority of Greece (AADE) announced the launch of…

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volume of investments

“Money poured from the sky”: where Chinese investors buy real estate

For the past seven years, China has been demonstrating continuous growth in overseas property investment. In 2017, the volume of investments in commercial and residential properties grew by 18% and amounted to 119.7 billion dollars, according to research data of the largest Chinese portal of foreign real estate Juwai. Most Chinese investments are distributed between North America, Europe and Asian countries. Continue reading