Commercial real estate in European cities: investors' expectations and reality
From the beginning of 2019, it is time to take stock of the year 2018.…

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Phuket: “Treasure Island” for foreign investors
Thailand is the second most popular country in Asia after China. According to the World…

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Property by the sea for recreation and investment: the top 5 European locations in 2019
Summer is ahead, and it means it's time to think about where to spend this…

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business in Germany

German citizenship for investment … time and effort

Germany is the largest and most stable economy in Europe. German passport offers visa-free access to 188 countries of the world. Germany ranks fourth in the list of the best countries in the life drawn up by the United Nations, and ten German universities are in the top hundred according to the Times Higher Education magazine. Therefore, many wealthy foreigners seek to obtain German citizenship. Can I get a German passport for investments in the economy of the country? Continue reading