Brexit: how did the prospect of a UK exit from the EU affect the real estate market?
The results of the referendum on UK withdrawal from the European Union, held on June…

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Commercial real estate in European cities: investors' expectations and reality
From the beginning of 2019, it is time to take stock of the year 2018.…

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Investment in rental business in Greece: European residence permit and high profitability amid rising prices
On August 30, the Independent Public Revenue Authority of Greece (AADE) announced the launch of…

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Rental business in Germany: what does an investor need to know before buying?

The German real estate market is one of the most stable in the world. Today it’s a seller’s market: there are fewer facilities here than investors who want to buy them. The easiest investment option is to buy residential property for rent, which will bring the investor an average of 2-3% per annum. Low profitability is compensated by high liquidity: the object can be easily and quickly sold at any time. What else does an investor need to know before buying a profitable property in Germany? Continue reading