South Costa Blanca: a house on the Mediterranean coast for the price of an apartment in Moscow
Costa Blanca is a region on the southeastern coast of Spain, located in the province…

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Save on lawyers later, and not at the beginning: Dew-diligence of commercial real estate in Germany
German real estate is one of the most reliable assets in Europe. Partly because of…

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German citizenship for investment ... time and effort
Germany is the largest and most stable economy in Europe. German passport offers visa-free access…

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Areas of Athens: where to look for real estate with potential

For Greece, the worst is over, says Deutsche Bank CEO John Krayan. “The light is finally visible at the end of the tunnel. The forecast for 2018 remains positive, but the road to full recovery will be long and difficult, ”the Greek publication Ekathimerini quotes him. The statistical agency published data on the dynamics of Greece’s GDP in 2017: for the first time after an eight-year recession, Greek GDP grew four quarters in a row. Continue reading