Rooftop garden and free iPad: investing in student housing
Universities are not able to provide all students with housing, private investors help to fill…

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Construction of residential buildings abroad
In 2018, Tranio offered its customers new ready-made solutions for investment: its own projects for…

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Russian “Haynets” are adapting to new orders: the results of a joint survey of Tranio and Adam Smith Conferences
For the first time in history, more than 50% of wealthy Russians began to notify…

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Nursing Homes – Perspective Investments

The last 15 years, investments in non-traditional types of commercial real estate in Europe are increasing annually by an average of a quarter. One of such assets is the elderly care home: this is a good option to diversify your portfolio and get a steady income for several decades. In this market, there is not so much competition as compared to offices or retailers, but more and more investors believe in its prospects – largely due to the demographic changes in the world. Continue reading