3 reasons why the German real estate market is not threatened by a price collapse
There is a general opinion: the German economy is one of the most stable in…

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Brexit: how did the prospect of a UK exit from the EU affect the real estate market?
The results of the referendum on UK withdrawal from the European Union, held on June…

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Rooftop garden and free iPad: investing in student housing
Universities are not able to provide all students with housing, private investors help to fill…

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solutions depending

3 reasons why the German real estate market is not threatened by a price collapse

There is a general opinion: the German economy is one of the most stable in the world. Real estate prices in Germany have been growing steadily for eight years. However, experts increasingly say that the market is overheated and prices will soon begin to fall, citing the following arguments:

The time has come for a new crisis: global crises occur about once every 10 years, the beginning of the last recession was in 2008, and a new one can be expected in the near future. Continue reading

Construction of residential buildings abroad

In 2018, Tranio offered its customers new ready-made solutions for investment: its own projects for the reconstruction and construction of real estate abroad. The plans for 2019 are to create a cross-border online platform for real estate investments for investors with a budget of 500 euros.

What else do we remember in 2018?

12 value added projects in Europe Continue reading