How to make money on a short-term lease in Athens: an investor's guide
Greek real estate returns the interest of foreign investors. According to the Bank of Greece,…

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International Investments in Mediterranean Hotel Real Estate - 2018
International investments in hotel real estate in the Mediterranean are on the rise. This is…

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"Money poured from the sky": where Chinese investors buy real estate
For the past seven years, China has been demonstrating continuous growth in overseas property investment.…

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but also for seconded and seasonal workers

Phuket: “Treasure Island” for foreign investors

Thailand is the second most popular country in Asia after China. According to the World Tourism Organization, in 2017, tourists from abroad visited Thailand 35 million times. And according to the forecasts of the World Tourism and Travel Council, by 2028 this number will reach 60 million.

Phuket is one of the main tourist destinations of the country. Investors from all over the world are investing in infrastructure development on the island. However, Phuket is not only interesting to big businessmen – investors with a small budget also have the opportunity to earn on local real estate related to the hospitality industry. Continue reading

How to invest in micro-apartments in Germany?

The German micro-market is booming. Students are one of the main groups for which this type of property is designed. The volume of transactions in the student housing sector in 2016 amounted to 750 million euros – almost five times more than in 2015.

Micro apartments are furnished apartments of 17–35 m² with one bedroom, bathroom and small kitchen.
Micro apartments are furnished apartments of 17–35 m² with one bedroom, bathroom and small kitchen. Continue reading